Before You Are Discharged
As your health begins to improve, you will no longer require the machines that were previously supporting your body’s functions and monitoring your condition. The physiotherapist may introduce exercises to help rebuild your muscle strength and assist you in regaining mobility. At first, you will likely feel weak and become fatigued quickly.
Once you are able to handle more tasks independently, you might be relocated to another area within the ICU or transferred to a hospital ward where nursing care is less intensive.
Many hospitals have high dependency units (HDUs), where a nurse typically cares for two to three patients. As your condition improves, you may be transferred from the ICU to the HDU until you are stable enough to be moved to a general ward.
Transitioning to a General Ward
This transition can be challenging for both patients and families, as the one-on-one nursing care provided earlier is no longer available, even though you may still be in the early stages of recovery. You might need to relearn everyday tasks such as walking, eating, drinking, or even breathing on your own. This can feel overwhelming, but it is a normal part of the recovery process.
Upon your move to a ward, there will be a detailed plan that includes:
- An overview of your care and treatment during your ICU stay;
- A monitoring plan to ensure continued recovery;
- A strategy for any ongoing treatment; and
- Details regarding your physical and psychological rehabilitation requirements.
At this point, the ward staff will be responsible for your care, but they can still consult ICU staff if necessary. Some hospitals have an ‘Outreach’ service, where an ICU nurse may visit you on the ward to check your progress.
Visiting hours in a general ward may not be as flexible as they were in the ICU, and the presence of other patients and visitors may cause more disturbances. Additionally, the disruption of your normal sleep cycle due to ICU activity may persist, but this will improve over time. Rest when you can, and a personal music player with headphones might help you relax and pass the time.